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How safe to we use laser cutting machine



????? Lasers started as a staple of science fiction stories and television shows. Read how lasers are used to engrave items and in medicine by reading these Ehow articles and watching these videos.

???? ?Improper use of?laser cutting machine can result in fires and other dangers, so proper training is required. Laser cutters should not be used on certain materials, including many types of plastic, because of the toxic fumes they emit. Always wear protective clothing, Gloves?and eye protection when laser cutting machine running safety. But how can we safety use of laser cutting machine ?Then we have to Introduce the concrete??laser cutting machine.

????? We first turn the power on. Wait for a minimum of 30 seconds to allow the machine to fully boot up. Click on "Properties" and confirm that the "Power" and "Speed" numbers are correct for the material you are cutting, the depth you are cutting and the speed at which you are cutting. Consult your owner's manual or contact the manufacturer if you are unsure of any of the numbers.

????? ?then Set the cutting speed, cutting depth and PPI (pulses per inch) based on the thickness and hardness of the material you are cutting and whether you wish to etch the surface or to cut completely through the material. Settings will vary between machine manufacturers and even between different models from the same manufacturer so consult your owner's manual or contact the manufacturer directly for advice.
